Tuesday, October 3, 2023

Old Mail

On my way to pick up my son from school today, I drove past this house set on a large piece of land. The house was set back to the rear of the property, leaving an expanse of a front yard that’s most likely bigger than my entire property. Being set so far back meant that there was a long winding driveway from the house to the mailbox by the street.

Coming down that driveway at a literal crawl was a small SUV. It stopped next to the mailbox, and an old woman got out of the passenger side. She was tiny bent with age with stringy white hair and a cane. She hobbled to the mailbox, looked inside to retrieve the contents, and then hobbled back to the car. In the driver’s seat, I saw a little old man skinny and frail, gripping the steering wheel and waiting for her. After his wife got back in the car, the little old man backed the SUV back up the winding driveway to the house.

It was adorable to see the old man driving his wife to the mailbox, so she didn’t have to walk all that way. And it was adorable to see this couple still doing things together after all these years. That’s what I want for myself.

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