Monday, November 3, 2008

Barbeque by Octopus

Last night we had some friends over for a barbeque. Since it is later in the year, the days have been growing darker now at earlier hours. So, I end up cooking in the dark, which can make it quite difficult to tell when the meat is actually ready. To compensate, my wife invented a new style of cooking called “barbequing by octopus.”

I should explain further about the octopus. We have this lamp that has these long, bendable tubes protruding from the main base. At the end of each tube is a light bulb. Since you can bend the tubes around at any angle you want, the lamp sort of resembles an octopus. Although it only has five arms, so technically it’s a pentapus. But that’s just semantics.

So, now when I barbeque, she plugs the octopus up outside so I can see. Wha-la! Barbequing by octopus has been invented!

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