When most people talk or communicate they do so of specific things or happenings in their lives. They talk of work or people. Not too many just talk about random and untraceable thought patterns. Pondering things like stupid clichés in the English language or patterns in human nature. Why is that? Why do we get so caught up in our lives and stop asking "Why?" Little kids are amazing because they are so curious. They have this insatiable curiosity that leads them to constantly explore the world around them. But as they grow up they lose that quality and slowly fall into a rut. Everyone ought to have something in their lives that fills them with insatiable curiosity. Something that they can never get enough of. What fills you with an insatiable curiosity?
For me it is reading books...I can never read enough or fast enough to satisfy myself. There are never enough books as I pour through them like water. I love to depart this world for a while and enter into a realm of fantasy or mystery or romance or horror. To be an observer of someone else's life. To know more than the character, shouting at them to let them in on the info., and then sighing in frustration when time and time again they ignore my warnings. The stories allow you to view and experience your own reality in a whole new way. You can't help but look at the world differently. Sometimes I find myself reading two or three books at the same time...and I still can't get enough.