It's official. I can’t drive in snow. I have had to drive in the snow twice now, and I’ve hit things both times. I hit some pretty deep patches of snow and went into a slide. The first time I hopped the curb and drove up into the yard right in front of my apartment. I had managed to drive all the way home down a vicious highway, avoiding morons intent on continuing to do 20 miles over the speed limit even in the treacherous conditions, without incident. Only to lose control as I’m pulling into a parking space by my building. Luckily, my wife was there to witness the disaster, which she is still laughing about to this day.
The second time I admit that I panicked when I lost control and did exactly what they always tell you NOT to do. I tried to correct the slide. It, of course, didn't work, and I ended up wiping out a series of reflectors set up along the side of the road. This wasn't a serious issue since the reflectors gave way pretty easily, having only been set up to warn you of the location of the curb. The curb on the other hand was more resistant. I hit the curb, and my car bounced backward, rolling a few feet before once more engaging in "Drive" and continuing forward. Luckily that curb was there or I might have looked stupid!