My wife and I got this new TV cable system put into our home. It has all the latest toys…HDTV, DVR, the works! However, my wife has had a bit of difficulty working all the options and features, esp. recording and later watching shows on the DVR.
So, as a joke I got her a book called, “Working the Remote for Dummies.” Needless to say it went over like a screen door on a submarine. But in good humor, she read the book anyway.
Today, I discovered the fatal flaw to my plan. Somehow she managed to block all of the stations that I normally watch, primarily my football-all-the-time channels. She also somehow upgraded the remote with some genometrics, so that it only recognizes her DNA pattern. The worst part is that I can’t figure out how to undo what she’s done. I was forced to have to walk across the room to change the channel this evening, which every self-respecting guy out there knows is out of the question. This can’t go on like this!
So, here I sit reading “Working the Remote for Dummies.” Where IS that chapter on removing genometrics from the remote?