Recently I was playing the state lottery and found a most interesting and highly unfortunate loophole. Apparently, I found a very rare situation in which I actually had to pay the lottery the jackpot instead of them paying me. That was $100 I didn't have, let me tell you!
How did I find myself in this strange situation, you might ask? Well, somehow I managed to get all of the numbers reversed. So, the winning numbers were: 1 12 23 33 45 51. I had picked 10 21 32 33 54 15. This is affectionately known as the "Dyslexia Clause," and results in you having to pay them. (Between you and me, I adamantly fought with them about 1 -> 10 and 33 -> 33, but their lawyer assured me that technically it was, in fact, a reversal.) So, I had to ante up.
I didn't even know they checked for these things, but apparently there is a computer that scans all the sold tickets to find these situations as well as the winners. And sure enough, two days after the drawing I received a phone call informing me that I was being summoned. According to them I was the only person ever to fall into this situation, like that was supposed to be some sort of honor or something.
So, avoid this loophole at all costs! You have to get all six numbers backwards to be subject to the "Dyslexia Clause," so always make sure that one of your picks doesn't have a valid reversal.