Did they dress up or just come in their common clothes? Did they take their sandals off to get comfortable? Did they wear hats or something to keep the sun out of their eyes?
Could they all hear or did the message have to be relayed back to them? Was the message the same when it reached the back or was it kind of like that game of “telephone” that we played as kids where the message changes with each retelling?
Did they bring their little kids? Did the kids sit and listen or did they bring toys to play with? Did they walk around and talk to people or play with each other?
How many other people brought food besides the boy with his fish and bread? Did they eat it or partake of the Lord’s bounty?
Did they sit, stand, or kneel? Was the ground uncomfortable? Did they fidget trying to get comfortable? Was it dry, moist, or wet?
Did they open with a prayer? Did anyone sing hymns? Did anyone walk the aisle at the end?
I wonder how close to our own church services it was. I wonder if those people acted the same way I have seen people acting in church today.