Do you know what the Catholic church needs? Drive-thru confessions. In today’s fast-paced world they really need a drive-through window that you can drive up to and confess your sins without ever leaving your car. You drive up, the priest slides back the window, you do your thing, he does his thing, he asks if you want to Supersize your forgiveness, and you drive off.
I don’t want to pick on Catholics, so maybe other churches could pick up on this idea as well. Maybe they could institute drive-thru communion or something. Maybe instead of drive-thru windows you could have something like Sonic, where you drive up and push a button. Then some minister (or whatever your religion calls them) on roller skates comes skating out to give you some bread and some wine (or grape juice, etc., depending on your religion).
Just think of how much faster we could be churning them out. And people might be more apt to do it if it is easy and convenient. Just think about it…