Can someone please explain to me why anyone would intentionally put the toilet paper roll on the dispenser backwards!? By backwards, I mean so that the paper rolls off the back instead of the front. I have pondered this mystery for long periods of time, trying to see it from a different perspective, and have yet to come up with any reason at all much less a good one.
Unrolling the paper from the dispenser only serves to cause the toilet paper to run along the wall. Static electricity almost always causes the paper to stick to the wall. Thus making it almost impossible to peel it off with your fingers. No matter how much you unroll it just simply slides down the wall.
Some may argue that you can alway unroll it the opposite direction, so that the end flips over the top first. But even this is not fullproof. If you should miss catching the end as it flips by, then just like that it heads straight for the wall again. It only compounds the frustration if you should have to endure this more than once, like say in-between "tears." (Which is even worse, since more than likely at that point you are not exactly in the most convenient position to be jacking with trying to catch the end as it flips by.)
All of this can be solved by simply turning the toilet paper roll around, so that unrolling it causes the paper to simply dangle in open space. There are no obstructions for the paper to stick on. And it is equally convenient no matter what position you find yourself in.
So, other than a complete lack of caring, can anyone tell me why anyone would put the toilet paper roll on backwards!?