Monday, July 19, 2010

The Brown Coats

For Christmas the first three years of my marriage, my mother-in-law bought me a new brown coat.  Just other color.  Each coat was really nice, different and unique from the year before.  But imagine that I lived in Texas at the time where the need for coats is minimal.  I didn't exactly wear a coat out in the season.

On the fourth year, I asked for a different color just to jazz things up a little...maybe black or navy blue.  She quickly got the hint, and a family joke was started.  Every year, she threatened to send me a coat, while really sending me sweaters or such.

Last year, my brother-in-law got me a brown scarf for Christmas.  When I called to tell him how much I liked it, he told me he picked brown because he knew I already had a collection of brown coats.