Tuesday, March 12, 2024

Free Shot

A former police officer in my men’s Bible study was telling us a story about how they used to practice potential scenarios, such as an active shooter, hostage negotiation, etc. He said that some of the officers would be the “good guys,” while others had to be the “bad guys.” His squad usually got picked to be the bad guys, and they got so good at working together that the other team couldn’t shoot them. Eventually, they had to let the other team shoot them just to complete the exercise.

Later on, we were discussing that sometimes bad things have to happen in your life to fulfill a purpose. The example given was that Jesus still picked Judas to be one of his disciples despite knowing that he would later betray him. I said that was the Jesus equivalent of letting the other team shoot him to complete the exercise, and the former officer started cracking up laughing. They wouldn’t have “won” unless He allowed it.