walking down the hall today at work, I noticed an unusual splotch of brown
liquid dried on the floor. I didn’t think much of it, and I continued on my
way. But as I walked, I started to notice that there was a wavy line of dried brown drip
spots radiating away from the original splotch and following me down the hall. I peered at the floor ahead of me and noticed that they traversed the entire
length of the hall and disappeared around the corner. Completely intrigued by
this point, I followed them to see where they would lead. I made the turn and
noticed that they almost immediately turned again and took up along a parallel
hall still heading in the same direction. On and on they went; down the hall, through the security
doors, and clear to the other side of the building. I finally lost them when they
headed out the loading dock door and off into the parking lot. I have no idea what
it was or why someone was dripping from one end of the building to the other. I
also don’t know why someone would enter just to to leave without stopping in