Tonight I made brownie muffins. I figured that one of two things happened when you read that sentence. You either giggled a little, or you said to yourself, "This guy is stranger than I thought." I personally giggled. I seem to always giggle when I say "brownie muffin." I don't know why, but I assume because it seems so absurd and yet so cute at the same time.
I don't know if anybody else has ever made brownie muffins...tee, hee, hee...but it just hit me that it would be cool to have a brownie in the shape of a muffin. They are still cooling, so I am not even sure that they will actually taste good. But just looking at them in their little paper cups makes me smile that I actually attempted to do it.
And if they turn out well, I might even make them again. They might become my trademark, like my mom's giant chocolate chip cookies. People will start to beg me to bring them to holiday functions. I'll start to get requests for them at birthday parties. They will become a cult icon! "Anybody who is anybody has heard of a brownie muffin! What planet are you from?" So, keep your eyes open in the stores for your box of brownie muffins...tee, hee, hee.