Monday, March 3, 2014


When I was in college, my roommate and I had a strange fascination with obscure sports.  Since both of us stayed up until all hours of the night and consequently next morning, we frequently were entertained with such things as bull riding, competitive badminton, World's Strongest Man, Ninja Warrior, and lumberjack tournaments.  But our all-time favorite was sumo wrestling.  We couldn't understand a word the announcers were saying, but for some reason, it's highly entertaining to watch two overly-large men in colored diaper-thingies slamming into each other.

There is quite a bit of strategy in sumo wrestling.  We saw a guy beat opponents that outweighed him by 200+ pounds, simply with speed and agility.  To this day, hearing about or seeing sumo wrestling always reminds me of sitting up with my roommate at 3 a.m. on a Friday night, glued to the T.V., wondering if Asashoryu was going to outsmart the much bigger Musashimaru or if size would win in the end.

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