Tuesday, July 11, 2017

The Gum Lady

HR went hiking in New Mexico over the 4th of July weekend.  She trekked up Wheeler Peak and Sandia Peak over the course of two days.  But that’s not the most significant part of her trip.  Before she left, she bought six packs of Extra Spearmint gum.  She intended to chew them to help stave off hunger as she plodded up the trail, but she instead started handing out pieces to all of the hikers that she met on the trail.  With each exchange, she would say, “This will help you go the Extra mile.”

It became a thing, and hikers going down the trail would tell other hikers they passed to be on the lookout for the gum lady.  Pretty soon, random strangers were approaching HR and asking her if she was the gum lady.  She laughed at the moniker, then would hand them a piece of gum and say, “This will help you go the Extra mile.”  By the time she finally reached the summit, hikers were asking to take a picture with her and her packet of Extra Spearmint gum.  Everyone wanted to meet the gum lady.

Never underestimate the impact that a small gesture can have on people.

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