Friday, August 4, 2017

Autumn Leaves

When we were first dating, my wife used to tell me what beautiful eyes I had.  She told me that she didn't like her own eyes, because they were just a "blah" brown, and she wished she'd had beautiful blue eyes like mine.  But I loved her eyes just as they were.  They suited her.  So, I told her that I saw more than just brown in them.  I saw a myriad of colors.  The following poem was the first that I ever wrote for my wife.

I see the colors dance together
Oranges, reds, and browns.
I see them play their airborne games
As they flutter to the ground.

I see the painted Autumn skies.
I see the changing trees
Swirled about by leaves of gold
As they dance upon the breeze.

The yellow rays of sunlight
Shine down upon the floor.
Filter through the barren trees
Who hold their leaves no more.

A thousand shadows upon the ground
Break the beams of light.
A shower of leaves pouring down
Hiding the floor from sight.

All this I see in her eyes
This dance of Autumn leaves.
A world of changing seasons.
A place of rest and peace.

1 comment:

The wify said...

I love you for that ��