Friday, November 10, 2017

How are you?

I always hate when someone asks how I’m doing, because I don’t feel like they really want to know how I am.  It’s just a socially-accepted greeting, and really just equates to “Hi.”  But it’s worse than “Hi,” because someone actually expects an answer to that question.  So, any answer I give will then be a lie to appease them without giving the awkward truth that they don’t really want to hear and that I don’t really want to have to explain further. 

My default answer lately has been, “I’m surviving.”  But that usually just makes people uncomfortable, because I insinuated that something might be off in my little universe, but now the burden is on them to either ask about it or chuckle and walk away slowly.  So, I think I’m going to switch to, “I’m in good health.”  That way I am not insinuating or revealing anything, and everyone can feel good about themselves that they asked and escaped without an awkward situation.  I AM in good health, so it won’t be a lie, and I’ll be able to live with myself after the encounter as well.  It’s a win-win.

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