Friday, September 21, 2018

Frog Legs & Pregnant Yoga

I called my mom today to check on her, and when she answered the phone, her voice was a bit croaky.  I asked her if she was okay, and she replied that she woke up sounding like she had swallowed a frog.  Being the man I am, I of course asked her why she had done that.  Adding, “What had the frog ever done to you?!”  My mom being equally witty, replied, “I really just wanted his legs, but he wouldn’t give them up, so I swallowed all of him!”

We got to chatting about the weather getting cooler and how much nicer it is to go outside and exercise.  My mom is still trying to get out and play tennis with her friend JG as often as possible, while I am trying to get back into running more frequently.  She asked if my wife had been able to exercise and what she was allowed to do with her pregnancy.  Walking mostly.  But I had seen that they actually have pregnant yoga classes, so that might be a possibility.  My mom told me that JG had been looking to get into yoga as well, and although he has the body for pregnant yoga, she didn’t think they’d let him join!

I really love my mom, and I cherish these fun, witty conversations with her.  I usually call her from the car, and they may only last 45 minutes to an hour, but it’s a great way to end my days.

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