Wednesday, June 5, 2024

The Cardinal: Revenge

So, I did a little tree pruning on my oak tree in the backyard last weekend, because the grass under the tree wasn't getting enough sunlight.  I decided to cut the bottom two branches off the tree to raise the overall canopy level, which seemed to immediately help.  The problem was that one of the branches was where the stupid cardinal liked to sit and peck at the mirror hanging in the tree.  So, now, he can't conveniently sit and attack his adversary.  It's a little bit of work for him to swoop down from one of the higher branches.  To show his displeasure with me, he's decided to go back to slamming himself into the windows on the back of our house again.  Every morning, without fail, at precisely 7:00 a.m. he launches himself off my fence and into the window...repeatedly...until I finally get up and go wave my arms like a half-crazed, naked lunatic at the window.  Then, he'll go out and start a beef with the mirror in the tree.  I guess I'm going to have to adjust the position of the mirrors in the tree to more align with his particular wants and desires.

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